Rabbi Baruch Simon

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Rabbi Simon, the Colonel Jehiel R. Elyachar Professor of Talmud at the Yeshiva Program/Mazer School of Talmudic Studies, received his semikha (rabbinic ordination) from Yeshiva University’s affiliated Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) in 1988. A graduate of Yeshiva University’s High School, Rabbi Simon earned his B.A., magna cum laude, in Judaic Studies from Yeshiva College where he delivered the Birkat Preidah, or farewell address, a singular honor given the Yeshiva Program Valedictorian.

Rabbi Simon was a fellow of the prestigious Caroline and Joseph Gruss Kollel Elyon and a fellow of the Katz Kollel. Before teaching in the Yeshiva Program, Rabbi Simon was a member of the Halakha faculty at the Isaac Breuer College of Hebraic Studies at Yeshiva University.

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