Unfortunately. the situation in the New York metropolitan area is far more serious than earlier. In practice, I do not think that it is possible to assure that people abide by the harhakot of R. Akiva Eger or the social distancing of the epidemiologists. Hence. I do not think that people should attempt tefillah be-tzibbur. Dovid Bleich
Unfortunately. the situation in the New York metropolitan area is far more serious than earlier. In practice, I do not think that it is possible to assure that people abide by the harhakot of R. Akiva Eger or the social distancing of the epidemiologists. Hence. I do not think that people should attempt tefillah be-tzibbur. Dovid Bleich
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by Debbie Nossbaumin loving memory ofher father, Nathan Werdiger, נתן בן שלמה אלימלך
4 comments Leave a Comment
Author: Gabriel Sosne
Rabbi Bleich shlita, As of today 3/22/2020, what is the Rov's position on tefillah betzibbur? Thanks, Gabriel Sosne, M.D.
Author: Gabriel Sosne
Rabbi Bleich shlita, As of today 3/22/2020, what is the Rov's position on tefillah betzibbur? Thanks, Gabriel Sosne, M.D.
Author: Teacher Reply
Unfortunately. the situation in the New York metropolitan area is far more serious than earlier. In practice, I do not think that it is possible to assure that people abide by the harhakot of R. Akiva Eger or the social distancing of the epidemiologists. Hence. I do not think that people should attempt tefillah be-tzibbur. Dovid Bleich
Author: Teacher Reply
Unfortunately. the situation in the New York metropolitan area is far more serious than earlier. In practice, I do not think that it is possible to assure that people abide by the harhakot of R. Akiva Eger or the social distancing of the epidemiologists. Hence. I do not think that people should attempt tefillah be-tzibbur. Dovid Bleich