- Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom
- Date:
- Duration: 31 min
The story of Moshe's striking the rock and the subsequent Divine decree, relieving him of his role as the leader, is a challenging one, both as far as the nature of the violation as well as the severity of the punishment relative to a seemingly "trivial" violation. We explore the unusual wording, repeated 3+1 time (thrice in command, once in fulfillment) of Moshe's death and propose a reevaluation of the commands and narrative of the "Meraglim" episode in Bamidbar 13. In comparing Hashem's command to Moshe, his directive to the scouts and their actions, it appears that every party acted differently than commanded; this helps to clarify a number of anomalies in the text as well as the larger question of the decree against Moshe Rabbenu
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