- Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner Beit Midrash Zichron Dov Adam Friedmann Rabbi Jonathan Ziring Idan Rakovsky Rabbi Steven Gotlib
- Date:
Yerushalmi Yomi
Venue: Yeshivat Migdal HaTorah
Yerushalmi: - Duration: 23 min
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Author: Moshe Wise
'Relatedly, it is worth mentioning that the Sages enacted the Havdalah blessing on Saturday nights following Shabbat, when we separate the Shabbat from the weekday. In this blessing, we request that G-d grant us understanding “to fulfill Your will and distinguish between light and darkness.”' This request does not appear in Havdalah. Perhaps it is taken from some other prayer?
Author: Moshe Wise
'Relatedly, it is worth mentioning that the Sages enacted the Havdalah blessing on Saturday nights following Shabbat, when we separate the Shabbat from the weekday. In this blessing, we request that G-d grant us understanding “to fulfill Your will and distinguish between light and darkness.”' This request does not appear in Havdalah. Perhaps it is taken from some other prayer?
Author: Moshe Wise
'Relatedly, it is worth mentioning that the Sages enacted the Havdalah blessing on Saturday nights following Shabbat, when we separate the Shabbat from the weekday. In this blessing, we request that G-d grant us understanding “to fulfill Your will and distinguish between light and darkness.”' This request does not appear in Havdalah. Perhaps it is taken from some other prayer?