- Rabbi Yehoshua Gerzi Rabbi Tzvi Broker
- Date:
- Duration: 40 min
Does work and dealing with finances leave you feeling inspired? For many people, work and finances are things that just need to get done and more often than we hope, stressful! Join Rabbi Yehoshua Gerzi Founder of Pilzno- Work Inspired and the Arba Yesodot Program and Career Coach Tzvi Broker weekly as they uncover the Torah's guidance for achieving financial and career success while living with more balance, fulfillment, and peace of mind. Each episode will bring to center stage topics the pain points we experience in our super busy, fast-paced, multi-faceted lives and give practical tools on how to thrive in our jobs or businesses. Pilzno Work Inspired is an integral component of Financial Health in the Arba Yesodot Program, Led by Rabbi Y Gerzi and Tzvi Broker.
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