- Rabbi Hershel Schachter
- Date:
Yeshivat Lev HaTorah
Halacha: - Duration: 52 min
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3 comments Leave a Comment
Author: Koby Goldschlag
If a person normally wears techeiles on his talis katan, is it considered Baal Tigra to put on a talis that has only white tzitzis in shul (if he gets a kibbud or something). If it is, since shuls normaly only have taliesim with white tzitzis, is it then better to not wear a tallis at all when getting a kibud against the minhag of the shul
Author: Koby Goldschlag
If a person normally wears techeiles on his talis katan, is it considered Baal Tigra to put on a talis that has only white tzitzis in shul (if he gets a kibbud or something). If it is, since shuls normaly only have taliesim with white tzitzis, is it then better to not wear a tallis at all when getting a kibud against the minhag of the shul
Author: Koby Goldschlag
If a person normally wears techeiles on his talis katan, is it considered Baal Tigra to put on a talis that has only white tzitzis in shul (if he gets a kibbud or something). If it is, since shuls normaly only have taliesim with white tzitzis, is it then better to not wear a tallis at all when getting a kibud against the minhag of the shul