Why do people convert? Can a ger pray and say "the G-d of my forefathers?" What kind of mikveh is needed? Were the Bnei Yisrael already Jewish at the time of Sinai? Are the karbanot needed for the conversion? Can a hemophiliac convert without the milah? Can a person convert without accepting the mitzvot? If a convert returns to his gentile ways, was he ever Jewish? Can a person convert in order to marry a Jew? Can tevilah be done prior to milah? What blessing does the convert say when at the mikveh? Who witnesses a woman's tevilah? Is the milah kosher, if the mohel did not know that the child is now converting? Is the mother's tevilah, good for the fetus? Do the dayanim say a blessing when converting a baby? Can the ger bathe after tevila?
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