- Rabbi Azarya Berzon
- Date:
Daf Yomi
In the Sugya of Dam HaNimtza BaProzdor, Abaye supports Reby Chanina by establishing that Rov beats Kurva DeMuchach. We assume that the Dam came from the Cheder (Tmeah) despite the fact that this would require an unnatural action on her part since the Dam is on the "roof" of the Prozdor. A similar case we find in the barrel of wine found outside the city, where only an unusual sequence of events could bring the Rov cities bordering the top of the river into the picture. Rava rejects the proof of Abaye & introduces a new variable into the equation, i.e., Matzuy. In this shiur, we will analyze the concept of Matzuy & its relationship to Rov. What is the Yesod HaMachloket between Rebby Chanina & Rebby Zeyra, and Abaye and Rava?
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