Lecture given on a bus in Prague and Vienna. A thought at Theresenstadt. Multiple teshuvot of the Nodah B'Yehuda: not to be mafsik between washing ones hand and reciting the bracha; on adultery; stories about his wife's cousin (the Baal Shem Tov) and tearing keriah, saying leshem yichud, forgetting yaaleh veyavo on leil rosh chodesh; building a shule not in a rectangular shape; pleasure hunting. Multiple teshuvot of the Chasam Sofer: the mitzvah of burning Arlah; when to write a pruzbol; the status of paper money; who does pidyon haben when there is no father; on Lag B'Omer ; on praying to end wars; on adopted children; on Eiruvin; on a Rabbi receiving a salary; on the definition of death; on attacking the Reform movement; on semicha today.
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