- Rabbi Baruch Simon
- Date:
- Duration: 38 min
WOW! In this weeks 50-page-packet ma'amar, the Rebbe reveals the deepest depths of the essence of Chanukah. In a shiur focused around the importance of bein adam li'chaveiro and its relation to Chanukah and Parshas Vayeishev, Rebbe delivered the fiery Torahs' of Rav Yonason Eibeshutz, the Tiferes Shlomo of Radomsk, Bnei Yissaschar, Chida, Rav Pinchas Friedman...and more and more and more. A must hear shiur for you and all of Klal Yisrael!
Learning on the Marcos and Adina Katz YUTorah site is sponsored today by Gary Ambrose in honor of his wife Reva’s birthday and by Judy & Mark Frankel & family in memory of their dear son & brother משה יהודה ז"ל בן מאיר אליהו upon his fifth yahrzeit, and in memory of their dear father מרדכי בן הרב משה יהודה ע"ה
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