Shiur available on YouTube. Should one light only inside one's house, or even outside one's house? Define a chatzer, mavui, and ir? Do mavuis and chatzeiros exist today? Which laws require the presence of a house? Is one's house determined by where one eats or where one sleeps? Can one fulfil lighting candles with one's wife lighting at home, while away on a business trip? What is considered far away, in regards to karban Pesach and aveilus? For how long does one need to be living in a city, to be considered part of the it's inhabitants? How does a guest fulfil lighting? Are all shabbosim connected, one to another? Can one cook from Yom Tov, to Shabbos? When should one light candles? Does one need to relight the candles, if they were extinguished before davening mincha, on Erev Shabbos? Why do we not count money, in front of the candles? Which mitzvos have zeicher l'neis, and which have pirsumei nisa? For how long should the candles burn for? Can one light after there is no longer any foot traffic? On Rosh Chodesh Chanuka, does one first lain Rosh Chodesh or Chanukah, and why? How did the Rambam add v'al hanisim, in shemona esrei?
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